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A program of double interviews to highlight how gender differences are just a preconception. “ANIMA and ANIMUS: the main characters of the wine and food sector of Campania region (Souhern Italy)” is based on the famous theory of the psychologist Carl Gustav Jung according to which every human being has owns both a feminine and a male energy.

After the presentation of the delegate of the DDV of Campania, Valentina Carputo during the TV broadcast ‘Cotto e Ascoltato’ May 19th, there will be the launch of the first interview which involve two leading personalities of the Wine&Food world: mrs. Donatella Cinelli Colombini, National President of “Le Donne del Vino” (Italian Women in Wine association) and mr. Luciano Pignataro, wine and food journalist, to highlight the passion and the different experiences that have brought them to the food and wine sector.

All the interviews, in full version, will be available on the social channels (Facebook and Instagram) of “Le donne del vino della Campania” and will be published on a weekly basis starting from Friday 21 May at 3PM (in Italian).

See you online!
